Switch in C, the neat multiple decision maker in Control Flow
Switch is a statement of Control Flow that replaces multiples if's and merges into one elegant decision making solution. When the program has to choose between many branches and options…
Timer 1, how to make a reliable Real Time Clock in 8-bit PIC
Measuring seconds comes really handy in many circuits. Executing tasks with demanding precision, such as a real time clock, requires an external oscillator (often called 'crystal') of 32,768Hz. Such procedure…
While loop in C language, the ‘ask first’ of Control Flow
'While loop' in C let's you control the loops and cycles that a program executes. At the beginning of the loop, a condition is checked whenever it's true; if it's…
Code Template, an easy guide for PIC Microcontrollers in C
As your programs get more complex and advanced, the necessity for order comes urgently. Classifying the whole code into sections according to topic and purpose is essential to maintain it…
Functions in C Programming Language
The reason why you want to use and eventually get used to functions in C programming language is because they save a lot of time when writing code. It simplifies…
If in C language, the simplest of Control Flow
It is the simplest decision instruction of all. Is true (1) or false (0)? The use of if is widespread and it's the best way to start with decision making,…
Control Flow in C language – if, while, for and many more
In any programming language, you will often need to make decisions. This will take the program into different functions depending on the answer of a question, result or evidence. This…