Do Technology

Learn how you can create with Electronics and Computers.

What is techZorro?

Have you ever asked yourself these questions? If so, you are in the right place:

  • How can I learn about electronics?
  • What do I need to pass my circuits from breadboard to PCBs?
  • I want to program a microcontroller, but where do I start?
  • What do I need to setup a server for my home or small office?

The Blog

nanoZorro, cover of the podcast about electronics, programming and networking
008 – Variable Frequency Drives: how this controller can transform induction motors forever
AC induction motors can be transformed into a highly controllable machine with Variable Frequency Drives or VFD. Click here to listen.
nanoZorro, cover of the podcast about electronics, programming and networking
007 – The outstanding Internet Protocol Layers and its hidden way to work
Which protocols are used in internet? This episode talks about TCP/IP or Internet Protocol Layers required to work. Click here to listen.
nanoZorro, cover of the podcast about electronics, programming and networking
006 – Regenerative Braking, an awesome Feature found in Electric Motors
This episode is related to this hidden feature of electric motors called regenerative braking. Click here to listen.
nanoZorro, cover of the podcast about electronics, programming and networking
005 – 7 types of Electric Motors that you should know about
There are several types of electric motors that differs in efficiency, power, cost, torque output, etc. Click here to listen.
nanoZorro, cover of the podcast about electronics, programming and networking
004 – AC Voltages, Frequencies and Plugs around the World
Let's talk about electricity! Specifically about how the standards around the world. Click here to listen.
nanoZorro, cover of the podcast about electronics, programming and networking
003 – Wi-Fi vs Ethernet, Convenience vs Reliability?
When should a wired or wireless network be used? Let's discuss the differences between Wi-Fi and Ethernet. Click here to listen.
white switch hub turned on
The outstanding Internet Protocol Layers and its hidden way
What is Internet Protocol or TCP/IP and how does it work? The Internet Protocol Layers are explained in this post. Click here to read.
nanoZorro, cover of the podcast about electronics, programming and networking
002 – RISC vs CISC, how a few Differences are crucial to Computing
Today in the market is found two kinds of processor architectures: RISC and CISC. Both have some advantages. Click here to listen.
Brushless DC Motor in a Bicycle
BLDC, the Innovative Brushless DC Motor You Need To Know
Brushless DC Motors or BLDC are desirable for it's competitive characteristics and practical advantages. Click here to read.

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    Variable Frequency Drives: how this controller can transform induction motors forever

    Juditova         Juditova        
    Variable Frequency Drives: how this controller can transform induction motors forever           Variable Frequency Drives: how this controller can transform induction motors forever          
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